Tuesday 21 May 2013

Where There's A Will There's A Way

                                                      Recently as I was going through the newspaper, a small story caught hold of my sight. So I thought why not share it with my readers. Its a real story about a chinese guy named Leu. Leu Ganke. He was abducted from his hometown Sichuan when he was only 5 years old.and was sold to a well renowned family in Fujian. The distance between Sichuan and Fujian is approximately 1500 kilometers. This incident took place 23 years ago.Now this couple was not blessed with their own child.

                                                      No wonder being childless the couple left no loopholes in their love for their new boy Leu. They treated him as their own child. But Leu could never accept them as his own parents. and somewhere deep in his mind an unclear imagination or rather a vague picture always worked about his original homeland. All that he could remember was two bridges connecting each other. Meanwhile in Sichuan his original parents had adopted a girl child. But his mother always had a hope that someday or the other her son will definitely come back.
                                                      He always used to keep himself busy searching in Google about the bridges. Then one day fortune favoured him and destiny took him to an organization, where he came to know that 23 years ago a family named Ganke had filed a  report about their missing boy child. There he found a hope and started searching for it in details in Google Map. Finally he found the two bridges. There was no limit to his happiness. 'Thats my land',"thats my home", he cried out. Finally it was like a silver lining in the dark clouds for him. That was the best moment of his life and without wasting a single second of his life, he rushed out on his journey to Sichuan.

                                                     At last his mother got to meet his son whom she had lost 23 years ago. His mother was rejoiced for her son's home-coming. But at the same time, her rejoicement snatched away another mother's happiness. On the other side tears flowed down from her who loved him to the utmost for 23 years.